STOPit teaches and empowers individuals to recognize and anonymously report safety, misconduct, and compliance concerns BEFORE they escalate into a crisis or other legal matter. It gives a voice to the “upstanders” in the school community who promote safety and concern for others. After a report by a student or family member, the STOPit Incident Management Center receives, reviews, and, when needed, escalates any emergencies to BCPS staff and/or law enforcement, via direct phone call, to ensure all emergencies receive immediate attention.

STOPit is not a replacement for direct face-to-face communication between students or parents and a trusted school staff member. There may be time, however, when face-to-face communication is not possible or students may be too anxious or embarrassed to report information directly. We are adding STOPit as a supplement to existing high-quality relationships that students and staff already have. In addition, some emergency situations are so dangerous and immediate that they may require calling 911 which will give a faster response to the situation in the evenings or on weekends and holidays.

It is important that no member of the school community uses STOPit inappropriately. The program will not work as effectively and build trust in the community if false or mean spirited reports are made. 

To have access to the app, please download it from the Apple Store or Google Play by searching for “STOPit.” You will be prompted to enter an access code for our school. The Code for SRHS is stauntonriverhs.  Students enrolled in the Bedford Connects Remote Learning Program,  the Susie G. Gibson Science and Technology Center Program, or the Alternative Education Center Program will receive a unique school code from their respective program.  

Please visit the STOPit website for more information about the app. We look forward to continuing our work together to create a climate of safety, respect, and concern for others in our school community.