Caredox EMR information

The BCPS nurses are excited to receive Grant Funding from the Bedford Community Health Foundation to move the school clinics into the digital age.  A BIG thank you to the Foundation Board for recognizing and supporting this need. Watch for more information to follow as we connect to SCHOOLCARE for our Electronic Medical Records in the school clinics. As a parent you will have an active role in this process to allow for a quicker easier way of communicating your child's health information.  

Electronic Medical Documentation:

All information is stored securely and is HIPAA and FERPA compliant. You should have received an email directly from SchoolCare with a personalized link to establish your child's record electronically. Once you open the email and link into SchoolCare, you will receive clinic passes electronically!

The benefits of SchoolCare include:

*Streamlined medical information sharing, limiting paper mail, faxing, or phone calls
*Real-time or early evening notifications when your child visits the school clinic.
*Accurate and portable vital information for daily and emergency use.
*Fill out your child's health profile ONCE, and update any changes each year, ensuring it is always up-to-date.

If you have not completed the SchoolCare registration you will not receive any clinic visit information. It is important for you to complete the registration process.  

If you do not have access to this technology you may request a printed copy of a specific clinic visit. 

Facts about SchoolCare are located at this link: