Welcome to Staunton River High School


Staunton River exists to provide a foundation that will allow our students the best opportunity for a lifetime of success.


Staunton River High School will challenge all students with a rigorous and diverse academic program to exceed their own expectations in a safe environment that fosters respect, self-discipline, tolerance, and social development. Our school will be the anchor for our community, providing programs that build unity, involvement, and pride.

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What's Happening

Math Textbook Adoption:
The BCPS math textbook committee has been vetting resources and viewing vendor presentations for the adoption of textbooks for next school year. We will be hosting an open house for BCPS stakeholders to explore samples and provide input throughout the month of February. While teachers have already had an opportunity to give input via a survey, we want all stakeholders to have an opportunity to look at samples before making a final decision. Samples have been placed at each school (based on the grades/subjects taught at the building), as well as at the BCPS School Administration Office (SAO). Teachers should provide feedback at their respective schools but are also invited to provide feedback for all grade levels. There will be three dates for community stakeholders to provide feedback at the BCPS SAO. However, if any stakeholder is unable to attend one of the three community open houses, they may contact local schools to set up a time to review the samples there. 

Stakeholder Open House Dates:
February 19, 2025-9:00-4:00 PM; School Administration Office
February 20, 2025-12:00 PM- 7:00PM; School Administration Office
February 21, 2025 9:00 AM-4:00 PM; School Administration Office






Calendar Update:

Due to the number of days BCPS has missed due to weather and the potential for more weather this winter, the February 17, 2025, work/professional development day will be canceled.  February 17, 2025 will be a regular school day for students to make up instructional time. 

 Yondr Update: 

  • The pouches belong to the students and they are allowed to decorate or make them their “own” without any issue.
  • If students transfer from one BCPS school to another, they can take their pouch with them. 
  • Please remind students that the pouch is not to protect the phone from damage. They should continue to treat the phone as if it is not in a locked pouch. BCPS is not responsible for damage to the phone in the student’s possession and in the pouch.
  • We will collect pouches at the end of the school year just like we do Chromebook. They will be reassigned to the same student at the beginning of the year.